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People shade themselves from the sun during extreme heat in Tokyo on Monday. Issei Kato/Reuters
Sunday was the hottest day in recorded history, according to preliminary data from a climate tracking agency monitoring temperatures since the mid-1900s. 自上世紀中葉以來一直監測氣溫的氣候追蹤機構提供的初步數據顯示,上周日(7月21日)是有史以來最熱的一天。
It’s the second consecutive year average global temperatures have crashed through shocking climate records and will not be the last, as planet-warming fossil fuel pollution drives temperatures to shocking new highs. 這是全球平均氣溫連續第二年打破氣候紀錄,而且不會是最後一次,因為化石燃料導致的全球暖化導致氣溫屢破新高。
July 21 clocked in at 17.09 degrees Celsius, or 62.76 Fahrenheit, and was the hottest day on Earth since at least 1940, according to the preliminary data from the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service. 歐盟氣候監測機構哥白尼氣候變遷服務局釋出的初步數據稱,7月21日全球平均氣溫達到了17.09攝氏度,是自上世紀40年代以來地球最熱的一天。
Global average temperatures typically peak during the Northern Hemisphere summer, between late June and early August. 全球平均氣溫通常在北半球夏季達到峰值,大約在6月下旬到8月初。
Sunday’s record came as many countries endure prolonged and brutal heat waves. Around a hundred cities across the US are experiencing their hottest start to summer on record, and swaths of southern Europe have been grappling with triple-digit temperatures. 上周日,許多國家都遭遇了持久而嚴酷的熱浪。美國各地約有100個城市正在經歷有史以來最炎熱的初夏,歐洲南部的大片地區也在和高溫天氣作鬥爭。
What’s jarring is the warmest global temperatures were significantly cooler by about 0.3 degrees before 2023. 令人震驚的是,2023年之前的全球平均氣溫最熱紀錄相比現在低了約0.3攝氏度之多。
"We are now in truly uncharted territory and as the climate keeps warming, we are bound to see new records being broken in future months and years,」 said Carlo Buontempo, director of Copernicus. 哥白尼氣候變遷服務局局長卡洛·布翁滕波表示:「我們現在正處於真正的未知領域,隨著氣候持續變暖,我們必將在未來幾個月和幾年看到新的紀錄被打破。」
Global temperatures fluctuate based on natural factors: seasons, large-scale climate patterns and solar activity — and on unnatural factors: the pollution from human activity, including the burning of fossil fuels, which is chiefly driving the planet’s temperature steadily upward. 全球氣溫的波動基於自然因素和非自然因素:前者包括季節、大規模氣候模式和太陽活動,後者包括燃燒化石燃料等人類活動產生的汙染,而燃燒化石燃料是導致地球氣溫穩步上升的主要原因。
Scientists pegged last year’s record to the coincidence of El Niño, a natural climate pattern in the Pacific ocean with a warming effect, and fossil fuel pollution, which is trapping heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. 科學家把去年的高溫紀錄歸因於聖嬰事件和化石燃料汙染的共同作用。前者是太平洋地區自然發生的氣候模式,會導致全球氣候變暖,後者會讓熱量滯留在地球大氣層中。
This year’s record comes as El Niño is disappearing and transitioning to its cool La Niña phase, underscoring the significant influence of the human-caused climate crisis. 隨著聖嬰現象消失並過渡到帶來涼爽的反聖嬰現象,今年全球氣溫卻打破了高溫紀錄,這凸顯出人為的氣候危機產生的重大影響。
The sudden rise in global temperatures is linked to abnormal heat in large parts of Antarctica, according to the Copernicus analysis. The rapid warming of this vast, icy continent is a trend that is alarming scientists given the region’s ability to drive catastrophic sea level rise. 哥白尼氣候變遷服務局分析稱,全球氣溫的突然上升和南極洲大部份地區的異常高溫天氣有關。這塊廣闊、冰冷的大陸的快速變暖趨勢讓科學家感到擔憂,因為該地區有能力引發災難性的海平面上升。