人工智慧 數據科學方向全獎[高薪]博士職位機會速遞:自動駕駛、網路安全、氣候管理等方向
(1)PhD position Data-Efficient Deep Learning for Autonomous Driving
Job description
The Intelligent Vehicles (IV) group at TU Delft (*) is seeking a PhD candidate with an interest in performing cutting edge research in the area of environment perception for self-driving vehicles. This PhD position is part of a new EU project EVENTS (ReliablE in-Vehicle pErception and decisioN-making in complex environmenTal conditionS) containing several automotive industry and research partners across Europe.
The PhD position addresses data-efficient deep learning for autonomous driving. Existing datasets are often manually labeled by human annotators and state-of-the-art methods use fully supervised techniques to learn from these datasets. The goal of this position is to develop methods that use unsupervised/semi/self-supervised learning, domain adaptation, active learning and prior knowledge to reduce the amount of labeled data that is needed. We perform multi-modal environment perception (i.e. using vision, radar and lidar) in urban traffic scenarios, with a special focus on Vulnerable Road Users (pedestrians, cyclists and other riders).
The Intelligent Vehicles group at TU Delft brings together world- class researchers from perception, prediction, control and human factors research. Our intelligent vehicle platform is regularly used to showcase our technology to the public.
Applicants should have (or soon expect) a Master Degree in a relevant discipline (e.g. Computer Science, Electrical/Mechanical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics). They should have a strong academic record with a solid background in computation, sensor processing (e.g. computer vision), machine learning and AI. Good programming skills are expected, preferably in C++ and/or Python. Knowledge of deep-learning frameworks (TensorFlow/PyTorch/Keras/Caffe) and OpenCV/ROS/CUDA is a plus. A certain affinity towards turning complex concepts into real-world practice (i.e. vehicle prototype) is desired. Applicant(s) are expected to be able to act independently as well as to collaborate effectively with members of a larger team. Good English skills are required.
截止日期1 August 2022
(2)PhD Positions in Data-driven Cybersecurity
Job description
The Cybersecurity (CYS) group at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) invites applications for full-time doctoral candidates in the area of Data-driven Cybersecurity. Successful candidates will follow a data-driven approach by collecting and analyzing massive network and web data to improve security and privacy in the Internet. Examples include fighting cyber threats (e.g., ransomware, phishing, denial of service attacks, scanning for system vulnerabilities), identifying and mitigating network and Web vulnerabilities (e.g., unauthorized access, user tracking), and assessing the adoption of user data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR) in the wild. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work closely with world- class researchers at TU Delft and our research collaborators in Europe and the US.
Our group conducts research in a range of cybersecurity topics, including, secure data analytics, applied cryptography, privacy, cloud security, system security, and network security. We aim to make the world a safer place as most of our activity and data move online. We design, develop, and evaluate interdisciplinary solutions that combine all fields of computer sciences: artificial intelligence, systems, and theory. Examples include the development of deep learning methods that are immune to common side-channel defences, machine learning algorithms that can operate on encrypted data in the cloud, detection and mitigation of large scale distributed denial of service attacks, and analysis of the latest security threats. We aim to publish our results at top conferences and journals, transfer our scientific know-how and technologies to students and our public and private partners in the field of cybersecurity, and have impact in society and the research community.
截止日期 September 15, 2022
(3)PhD Position on Artificial Intelligence for Collaborative Climate Risk Management
Job description
Climate changes, such as sea level rise, soil subsidence, extreme rainfall, and drought, induce new challenges and risks for real estate and infrastructures, especially in low lying urbanized deltas, as in the Netherlands. While people’s homes, communities, and livelihoods are at stake, real estate climate risks also stand to destabilize markets and society at large. Climate risk management requires collaborative, integrated strategies that cut across public, private, and civic spheres to achieve societal impact.
Your goal, in this PhD project, is to develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques for supporting an Integrative Forum (IF), which facilitates two-way exchange and knowledge co-creation on climate risk management. The IF, on the one hand, provides a ‘soft space’ for debate and reflection between research teams, societal partners, and citizens at large. On the other hand, the dialogue in the IF provides an opportunity for innovative research on institutionalized logics, tactics, and procedures that hinder or enable effective cross-disciplinary collaboration.
AI (e.g., natural language processing, and knowledge representation and reasoning) techniques can support the IF by, for example, recognizing the stakeholders’ values and norms, clustering and visualizing stakeholders’ arguments and perspectives, identifying disagreements, finding novel viewpoints, and modelling opinion dynamics over time.
The data for AI techniques comes from the recordings and transcripts (obtained with appropriate permissions) of the meetings in the forum, which will be organized regularly during the project. Further, where available, we can employ discursive data outside the forum, e.g., on social and news media.
You will address the following preliminary research objectives, which will be refined by you in cooperation with your supervision team.
Create generalizable institutional and strategic insights about how to enable productive two-way transdisciplinary and cross-actor exchanges which build capacity for integrated climate risk management in the built environment, and which can be leveraged in comparable urban regions in the Netherlands and beyond.
This PhD position is part of Work Package 5 (WP5) of the R eal E state D evelopment & B uilding in L ow U rban E nvironments ( RED&BLUE ) research initiative, a major new program funded by the Dutch Research Council. This initiative aims to develop transdisciplinary knowledge on climate resilient real estate and infrastructure development. More information can be found at: www.redblueclimate.nl. In addition to you, WP5 involves a postdoctoral researcher, with whom you will closely collaborate.
As a member of the RED&BLUE team, you will do high-impact research on a pressing societal topic relevant within the Netherlands and beyond. Your research will enable you to actively collaborate with other researchers and societal partners, providing you with exceptional mentorship, personal development, and networking opportunities. You will also build upon the work of other researchers and real-world urban use cases. For this reason, we also emphasize that international PhD candidates should be willing to learn Dutch to at least B1/B2 level after one year.
The candidate must have:
Team spirit and an open personality, particularly for cooperation with colleagues across disciplines and for co-supervision of students.
截止日期 August 5, 2022
註意這些機會對英語要求較高 雅思7 托福100
【 輕微贊賞 , 聯系大可Offer 小助手, 獲取申請方式及註意事項 】
為提升競爭力,建議有誌於申請全獎及歐洲職位類PhD的 各類理工科低年級同學 要盡早準備。如果沒有AI相關背景,應該盡早自主學習並透過計畫訓練自己在AI尤其是Deep Learning(DL+DRL)方面的能力。推薦深度學習四大名著,尤其是DL花書+動手學深度學習,如需PDF電子版可以小窗聯系。
對於學有余力,需要進行科研背景提升的低年級研究生及大二以上的本科生,推薦由我們團隊奮戰在科研一線的名校博後/博士開設的領域 「留學過來人手把手線上1V1實踐提升」計畫 ,特色方向 「數據科學、交通、EE/CS」 , 連結如下:
如何申請年薪30W的職位類Ph.D. Position【幹貨!】
職位類PhD申請專屬通道已開通【如何申請年薪30W的職位類Ph.D. Position 2【幹貨分享!】
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┄┅┄┅┄┄┅┄┅┄┄┅┄┅┄┅*PhD留學過來人+學術共享平台 大可Offer *┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┄┅┄┄┅┄┅┄
作為一路摸爬滾打通關而至,亦曾被留學中介「傷害」過的留學申請過來人,大可奇和一群在讀及已畢業的博/碩士建立了一個留學交流互助平台 大可Offer, 見大可Offer團隊介紹。 感興趣的可以持續關註。 深度知乎居民 可小窗私信大可奇。