As a basketball player, I think I could share some advice with you. Thanks to the translation from my Chinese friends.
Practice is key. During season we train every day for 4-6 hours during the morning. I usually do another 1-2 of shooting in the afternoon. Basically it consist on physical workout (functional, core and light weights), cardio on the court.
The best workouts I've done are the ones that combine basketball and intellectual skills. Like shooting from one side or another depending on a number or the color of the light, or bouncing drills while doing simple math problems. These exercises keep you focused on something while making the basketball drills more mechanic.
Another advice, you can practice at home, on your way to school or anywhere. Seeing what you are good at and work on it, but try harder to see what you are weak at, and work harder on that.
作為一名籃球球員,我十分願意給你分享一些我訓練提高的心得體會。感謝 @聚星動力 的朋友們幫我轉譯。
訓練是提高籃球水平的關鍵。 在球季的時候,我們每天早晨訓練4-6小時,每天下午我通常還會加練1-2小時來練習投籃。當然還會有些基礎性的體能(功能性的,核心,小力量)訓練,場上的有氧運動。
我接受過最好的訓練方法是那些將籃球和智力結合在一起的訓練。 比如根據數碼和燈光的顏色來決定投籃位置的訓練,或者邊做一些簡單的數學題邊練習運球的訓練 。這些訓練在鍛煉你專註力的同時能夠提高你的籃球技術。
還有另外一個建議就是,任何的地方都可以成為你練球的場所,可以在家裏練球,上學的路上都可以去練球。 先看看你自己擅長什麽方面,要努力雕琢自己的長處。但是也要努力去發現自己的短板,要盡力去補強自己的不足之處才行,加油吧!