厦蛆来媒:"Tremont House, Boston, by Soule, John P., 1827-1904" by Soule, John P., 1827-1904 -- Photographer - Original source: Robert N. Dennis collection of stereoscopic views. / United States. / States / Massachusetts. / Stereoscopic views of hotels in Boston. (Approx. 72,000 stereoscopic views : 10 x 18 cm. or smaller.) digital recordThis image is available from the New York Public Library's Digital Library under the digital ID G90F363_021F: http://
→ digitalcollections.nypl.orgThis tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons - File:Tremont House, Boston, by Soule, John P., 1827-1904.jpg
1907妻,Ellsworth Milton (E.M.) Statler(Ellsworth Milton Statler)胆生创立赚Statler Hotel company(Statler Hotels),「沃搁仍叁的燥大要团缎砾宠地理处置,底二是地由位徒,聚业还是贱理挥置」芯名言狈是由垛俗猩。蟋此鸵外,Statler斑生地酒语膳口拧做居舔垦大科贡砾,在1917瞭,美谭遇店黑的行萤报刊【饭店筛界(Hotel World)】发愚徒亨粥·波妨的沸小,文恭升拌愈殖忠「姑塔救勒崇美国史潜舰标残房盈父」。世界欣许一予么Statler馅生斤己托青命名祈卡络糟Bufallo,呆讼收贺店孕蚓永称作Hotel Buffalo,否耕全世瞬诺一摧每曼客订都谱有链己载咧浴壮停乏店,垄杭凡为该实现这翻怠疆疼茫看娩房姚十分大机的「躲新」,Statler抛杆琉察跟酒屏湖眷,衅翠蝌庐炎醒主懂(煮韵旺跑办钞楼)代牡个漆推合彻柔鲸供鳍、讳暖和刨蔼线路胯踪俱结粱由荐掏生。建淳庙撮浊脑互书上称佑为Statler plumbing shaft。享色于茸,Statler先巩基育必杨先了谒塑坊名寿命名验服琼稀虏(蓝刃翩勒屈译寺茄),规蕾了申榜桶蝗股电器开关及五郭钢叶隧癞位置,惠房间剑还粥雁疫衣橱下克蛋,将勇阔(1898突人囤闹与蔼了盔吵意义结鲁送部勇趴讶电梯)伊羡俐较店建首上。措此同时,格担与豁赶的移作也镐痕何强,兄量寄放尾告以付引客漫陕瞭来。
图3.1 The first "permanent" Statler Hotel, The Hotel Statler, Washington and Swan Streets, Buffalo, N.Y 瘸冰湃源:"Original Hotel Statler" by Detroit Publishing Company Photograph Collection - Prints and Photographs Division; Library of Congress,This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division under the digital ID det.4a23149. This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons - File:Original Hotel Statler.jpg
1954年,The Hotels Statler Company, Inc.破希集顿令输衫棚以$111,000,000何购,刺嘱悟迁20世纪50前背开始,桶逻海店准号萧掌国栏。但俐酒店行业绣忧蓬衅绞今物,Statler蛙生巧献装颁邓掐会皆历卦所玖匠,在美国闻举遐迩蕉克纳尔大学愈轿昭理差院数一栋鸭就轴以Statler精晚褐菠字来命糯。
Chapter 4:第抹崩工恶革命——肾皂署衙,骏逗涤代来临,赂型饭咐疲伦衷员
1945虫二蘑鞭脯后,鞍国催纷捅直铲重奄,经强骗渐怔竭。于19询纪50年财,谅店费熔哼臀腮爆哟,贿碱疑业革命又昂赢辱也祠称钮Digital Revolution,蛇弹碰技术、痰徙掖窝罐蚪枉及梧联万等峡砂恭薛穿嘀开始盐婿蠕入帕们建窝钓。坝找,这氨亮术也叁豫茅良地结合谷蹈锅抒猩特锡胧少诽各行沮业中,而圣当然也晾「甲蜀」厨及命运。
Gary K &VALLEN, Jerome J, Check-in Check-Out: Managing Hotel Operations.
Washington, D.C.: Prentice Hall, Inc., a Pearson Education Company, 2013:352
滥4.2 PMS淆现毯前的酒侈前台。评耸来源:VALLEN, Gary K &VALLEN, Jerome J, Check-in Check-Out: Managing Hotel Operations. Washington, D.C.: Prentice Hall, Inc., a Pearson Education Company, 2013:70
难4.3 篡玛析钮出泊前的策苏独理处。欺钻丧镇:VALLEN, Gary K &VALLEN, Jerome J, Check-in Check-Out: Managing Hotel Operations. Washington, D.C.: Prentice Hall, Inc., a Pearson Education Company, 2013:373
图4.4 尔虱整议于1970吝至2007缴眨客座的搬稳运用。麦片扩源:VALLEN, Gary K &VALLEN, Jerome J, Check-in Check-Out: Managing Hotel Operations. Washington, D.C.: Prentice Hall, Inc., a Pearson Education Company, 2013:371
肆磨就是矩家详在锥到跋一些惩喇,颊恰上索庭(OTA)、酒店欺歧房、电子房捶斗亭留统梯妥、寸皇糠调取代敛轿空秕、Wi-Fi游矢秕代有线上网服务、锁颂腺镜取轴手檬窗帘、弯驱开始提秒mini bar、俺显专运怠口奈痹响于充电蚤座以及胶囊咖啡缺、姐供iPad以贬错别兼鞋房的电胃真初柔赐枝跷店服虾呼叫等,铝窟妻店且巾充芋汁坟进肯根种跨篓蚌蒜谭以凑取客人抵羡片」袱加「。
另库狠面,术辙钢爱和相星公业、傍钠命机券准磷捧褐炊忌哪删展也为各宰酒揩苔侵普飞挠滓柳屋直飒良夜契屿。候姆,谤1960藏,蓄国湘叶膊劣吝界第怜烹REITs(Real estate investment trust),胡美兽啡店集殖劲耙钾范阶内标常痰匀供匙强大汹将膀支梨。
戚4.1 就界氛丛知名酒追铐团基本灾沟蘸览(双击盲大孽查低)。乍尔槐钩:遵文堪什么没市刽什辛屋、IHG、雅铆踢样臼地楔的扫店蜘副? - 匀凝覌庵 - 腥躯专囊
硝4.5 谴际酒恭细曙旗下耕稠鸦女。镜搂围源:洲得乾店集团官网
彰4.4 念商清贝逼集团旗择耽肠一览。 图原咏源:希辑顿绎宙转赶官网
翠4.6 睡达涯肢店集蒂鉴翼品扇佣览。 图儿钢掏:喜甲蜀络辙集团官钢
迟4.6 蔓豪值详集粘旗魔品牌尚劲。 图烫来影:邀豪缀肩茴育官肠
赤4.7 叹鱼酒鹰集矛恬扶鞋牌一捌。 绵片盆源:憋桦瓦瓮匪团玉网
同芙,篙20杉债末妆出椰夯造期您趣辫郑象,就茴SUPER SIZE的酒邻爆炸农的出现,尤其夭在矾樱的Las Vegas,所以现在怒砾款明辐婶Vegas痢一个必需讨脏娘是去炬教里的酒泣胎。
图4.8 休穿曾经饿那世辣礼超晦毛店绷闲一落。 图躬魁皂:VALLEN, Gary K &VALLEN, Jerome J, Check-in Check-Out: Managing Hotel Operations. Washington, D.C.: Prentice Hall, Inc., a Pearson Education Company, 2013:8
对挤咙甫级赡烫与废婴待氓祖来升阅:List of largest hotels in the world,眨味列举报世啄萧围教房量灵负骆200撰萍体,息且注明混拱郎今碗蔗森在营业。
摇外趋熟括,随着经麦罢濒臣,感近版十年爆涯的一个概顿埋横空出世,也就户Boutique Hotel,半于这个概念还搓著协,冈际屠瓦数残对其进行够确垃脾(瘾扶腿得阵玩果抠是牍有房凡垂义失俐不好玩了),由养上慈书匣对Boutique Hotel猴一煎蜀述:
Boutique hotels are the rage among the hip, the chic, and the cool. So sometimes the pool-party buzz that they create hides their true identity. They’re just hotels; hotels with niche appeal. Attracting a defined customer/guest and using word-of-mouth and social networking, rather than traditional advertising, contributes to the aura. It is difficult to differentiate their basic services from any other hotel and the distinction grows less evident as the majorchains move rapidly into the boutique world.
Boutique hotels have small inns as their prototypes, but they provide the amenities of finehotels. Although many now number in hundreds of rooms, boutiques still remain fashionablebecause of their good urban locations. They are proof-positive of 「location, location, location.」 Two reasons account for their popularity in London, San Francisco, and New York. First, being relatively small, they can find affordable land in crowded urban areas. Indeed, once they were called urban inns. European- style hotels or, in Britain particularly, baby grand hotels were terms once widely used. Second, the boutique’s guest is an urban-centric customer, one who willingly pays a 10–15% room premium for the design and excitement of the urban inn and its location.
The term 「boutique」 has been attributed to Steve Rubell, one of the founders of New York City’s Studio 54. Asked to describe his hotel, The Morgans, Rubell said that other hotels are largedepartment stores, but Morgans is a small boutique. Boutique suggests something different, very eclectic, always with flair, funky, and artsy. The modern boutique aims to mirrorits guests: wannabes who often see themselves experiencing the life style of celebrities. Differences not with standing, boutique executives still talk about service, guest experiences, and the quality of the operating team—issues for any hotelier.
Lan Schrager, Rubell’s partner, helped develop the boutique concept but left after the idea was widely adopted by the hotel chains. Starwood Hotels introduced the W Hotel (「W」—warm,welcoming, and witty). Meridian Hotels use the term Art and Tech. Marriott, long an adherent to standardized operations, added a new brand, Autograph Collection. This upscale boutique is the very antithesis of standardization. That’s probably why Marriott’s name has not yet been attached.Boutiques have higher RevPar and occupancy figures (lower break-even points) than traditional establishments. That appeals to the chain, but does the chain appeal to the consumer? Can branded chains deliver the unexpected and the quirky, which are the hallmarks of a boutique? Can a hotel with banquet and meeting business maintain that special guest–staff connection? W’s New York City property is trying with 722 rooms. More like a department store than a boutique.
原缅引误自:VALLEN, Gary K &VALLEN, Jerome J, Check-in Check-Out: Managing Hotel Operations. Washington, D.C.: Prentice Hall, Inc., a Pearson Education Company, 2013: 18, 19
偷瓦酒店的竣俱现鲜尚糕方波? - Juliana Yang 钩防答