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我猜想,绝大多数的心理学家是不会这么去做的,我先不说伦理和道德, 我这里的出发点是:我会不会惹上麻烦,葬送自己的事业? 当然,如果为了爱情,愿意放弃自己的事业,甚至惹上官司,这样的可能性也是有的,但不在我们的讨论范畴之内。

最低一层的道德操守是法律法规,这也是设置监管机构的最重要目的,我们首先假设人可能是想要犯错误的,那我们就通过规章制度,白纸黑字地写出来:你不以做怎样的行为,如果做了怎样的行为,就会收到怎样的惩罚。一旦有了这样的惩罚机制,大家就会注意自己的行为,在做出决定前深思熟虑,因为绝大多数的人是不想受惩罚的。 只要犯错的成本够高,那么就应该可以减少大家犯错的可能性。 至少原则上来说,应该是这样的。

当然也有可能我看问题的角度太low,我的第一个反应是: 关于这个问题,我的监管机构有怎样的规定?我的职业操守准则中是怎么写的?我会不会被处罚?

我在加拿大安大略省执业,所以给我颁发执照的监管机构是安大略省心理学家学院College of Psychologists of Ontario,我需要遵守一系列法律法规,其中一个最相关的是职业操守准则,英文是Standards of Professional Conducts,链接在这里:https:// cpo.on.ca/wp-content/up loads/Standards-of-Professional-Conduct-2017-Practical-Applications-Current-to-March-19-2021.pdf


13.5 Relations with Current or Former Clients
Members must not enter, or make plans to enter, into an intimate or sexual relationship with a current client or a former client where the psychological services were provided within the previous two years. Even after two years, members must not enter into an intimate or sexual relationship with a former client when they know or reasonably ought to know that the former client is vulnerable to exploitation or may require future service or some other professional involvement specifically from them. This does not apply to relationships with employees of an organizational client unless the psychological service provided to a particular individual was either intended to be therapeutic or the individual is vulnerable to exploitation.

简单翻译一下: 心理学家不可以在结束服务两年之内,和之前的来访者进入到亲密关系中。就算在结束服务两年之后,如果心理学家知道(或者应该知道),之前的来访者容易受到利用或者还可能需要自己的专业服务,那么也不可以和这位来访者进入到亲密关系中。



Even after two years however, a member should avoid such relationships except in the most exceptional circumstances. If a member is considering entering into a sexual relationship with a former client, there are a number of relevant factors a member should consider including:
1. the likelihood of adverse impact on the client;
2. the client’s current mental status;
3. whether there continues to be a power imbalance that may be influencing the client’s decision;
4. the client’s personal history and any difficulties of which the member ought to have been aware;
5. the nature, duration, and intensity of the professional service; and
6. the amount of time, over two years, since the last professional contact.

简单翻译一下: 即使在结束心理服务两年之后,心理学家应该避免和之前的来访者进入亲密关系,除非是「最特殊的情况」(most exceptional circumstances)。如果心理学家考虑要和之前的来访者进入亲密关系,需要考虑到以下的因素:

  1. 对来访者的负面影响
  2. 来访者目前的精神状态
  3. 在和来访者的关系中,是否仍然存在权力上的不平衡
  4. 来访者过去的个人经历和可能存在的困难
  5. 之前向来访者提供的服务,是怎样的性质、持续多久、强度如何
  6. 距离上次提供心理服务过去了多久时间(超出两年的硬性要求多久时间)


