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「雙語」外交部例行記者會 / MFA Regular Press Conference (2024年8月20日)


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s
Regular Press Conference on August 20, 2024


CCTV: This year marks the 10th anniversary of the entry into force of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The 10th Conference of States Parties to the ATT is being held in Geneva, Switzerland, and China sent a delegation to the conference. Could you share more details with us?


Mao Ning: The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) is the sole legal instrument under the framework of the UN to regulate the international trade in conventional arms. The treaty is of significance to keeping the world peaceful and stable, and improving global security governance.


China is a supporter and doer in the implementation of the ATT. It takes a prudent and responsible attitude on arms trade, and relevant practices fully meet or even exceed the bar set by the treaty. In particular, China only engages with sovereign states on arms trade and cooperation, and doesn’t sell arms to non-state actors. China strictly follows the three principles of arms exports: i) conducive to the legitimate self-defense capability of the recipient country; ii) not undermining peace, security and stability of the region concerned and the world as a whole; iii) non-interference in the internal affairs of the recipient country.


In contrast to individual country who willfully withdraws from organizations and treaties, China has fully complied with the ATT in good faith since its official accession to the treaty in 2020, and taken concrete actions to provide China’s solutions to solving the global security predicament and regulating the international arms trade order. This fully demonstrates China’s sincerity and determination to safeguard the global governance system, support multilateralism and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.


The 10th anniversary of ATT’s entry into force marks a new starting point. China stands ready to work with all parties, contribute China’s wisdom to improving global arms trade governance, and provide greater stability and certainty to the turbulent world.

法新社記者:關於昨天菲律賓和中國海警船發生的碰撞事件,美國譴責了 中國在南海的行為,並重申了對菲律賓的支持。請問中方對此有何評論?

AFP: On the collision between the Philippine Coast Guard vessels and the Chinese Coast Guard vessel yesterday, the US condemned China’s actions in the South China Sea and reaffirmed its support for the Philippines. What’s China’s comments?

毛寧:昨天我已經就菲律賓海警船侵闖中國南沙群島仙賓礁鄰近海域闡明了中方 嚴正立場 。菲律賓侵權在先,中方依法采取維權措施,旨在維護自身領土主權和海洋權益,正當合法、無可非議。美國不是南海問題當事方,無權介入中菲兩國之間的涉海問題,更不得以【美菲共同防禦條約】為借口侵害中國在南海的主權和權益。美方應當停止在南海挑動對抗,不要再破壞地區穩定,加劇局勢緊張。

Mao Ning: Yesterday, I made clear China’s position on the Philippine Coast Guard vessels’ intrusion into the adjacent waters of Xianbin Jiao of China’s Nansha Qundao. What China did was to respond to the Philippines’ infringement activities. We took those actions in order to defend our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. They are just, lawful and beyond reproach. The US is not a party to the issue of the South China Sea and is in no position to interfere in the maritime issues between China and the Philippines. Still less, the US should not use the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty to justify the violation of China’s sovereignty, rights and interests in the South China Sea. The US needs to stop stoking confrontation in the South China Sea, and stop destabilizing the region and escalating the tensions in the region.


Beijing Youth Daily: There have been media reports in China recently on the story of an African student who came to China to study advanced agricultural technology and is determined to contribute to solving his home country’s food problem. Can you comment on that and give us more details about China-Africa practical cooperation, especially agricultural cooperation?


Mao Ning: Food shortages have long been plaguing African countries. China has ensured secure food supply for its 1.4 billion people after strenuous efforts for several decades. Therefore, we feel deeply for African people’s hope for zero hunger. In recent years, China-Africa agricultural cooperation has flourished, producing fruitful results in technical assistance and training of agricultural experts, transfer of advanced agricultural technologies, the building of agricultural parks, and promotion of cultivation projects such as juncao and hybrid rice. Such cooperation provided quality rice and vegetable to the African people and helped modernize the agricultural sector in Africa.


Agricultural cooperation is an epitome of how China and Africa render each other help. In recent years, thanks to the strategic guidance of Chinese and African leaders, the cooperation between the two sides in various areas has enjoyed all-round development. China has been Africa’s largest trading partner for 15 years in a row, and has signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with 52 African countries and the African Union Commission. China released the Initiative on Supporting Africa’s Industrialization, the Plan for China Supporting Africa’s Agricultural Modernization, and the Plan for China-Africa Cooperation on Talent Development, and cooperation between the two sides has expanded to emerging areas, such as digital, green, aerospace and financial sectors. China-Africa cooperation has helped Africa achieve socioeconomic development and livelihood improvement, and is sincerely welcomed by African countries and people. Facts prove that China is Africa’s reliable partner and true friend.


The 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation will be held in Beijing next month. We believe the upcoming summit will expand and deepen China-Africa cooperation and write a new chapter of building a China-Africa community with a shared future.


AFP: Hong Kong journalists rated the city’s press freedom lower than ever in an annual survey released on Tuesday, citing fears of national security laws. Does China have any comment on this?


Mao Ning: The Law on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong SAR targets the very few criminals who severely endanger national security, not law-abiding journalists. Since the law came into force, Hong Kong is once again safe and stable, and freedom of press in Hong Kong has enjoyed better protection. This is a simple fact that anyone without bias can see.