好問題,其實答案並不復雜,核心概念是「professional will」,也就是「職業遺囑」,提前做好準備。
我不知道心理咨詢師的情況,但是作為一名臨床心理學家,我的監管機構也就是授予我牌照的加拿大安大略省心理學家學院(College of Psychologists of Ontario)對於這方面有很明確的規定。這樣的規定對於美國和加拿大的心理學家同樣適用。
- 如果是私人執業,那麽需要提前做好針對意外情況的安排,並且把該計劃送出給監管機構。
- 如果是作為被僱用人士,在某機構工作(也就是拿薪金),那麽就簡單了。平時管理預約的前台工作人員(比如秘書)可以直接打電話通知來訪者/病人,或者是該機構/科室的負責人可以直接電話通知來訪者/病人,並重新安排臨床服務。從法律上來說,只要確保該機構有專門的個人健康資訊保管員就行(Health Information Custodian) [1] ,這樣來訪者/病人可以隨時拿到屬於自己的健康資訊(比如診斷報告、病程記錄等)。
我需要遵守的加拿大安大略省心理學家學院有一份檔,叫做「Standards of Professional Conduct「(執業行為準則) [2] ,裏面是這麽說的:
9.8.1 In Private Practice Settings1) A member who plans to, or ceases to, provide psychological services must:
a) take ongoing responsibility for the maintenance and security of client records or arrange for the security and maintenance of client records. In making such arrangements, members must make best efforts to ensure that the designate is a member of the College;
b) ensure that former clients have access to the client record for the prescribed retention period; and,
c) inform the College of these arrangements prior to ceasing to provide psychological services or at the earliest reasonable opportunity.
2) A member in private practice must arrange for the security and maintenance of private practice client records in the event of the member’s incapacity or death. The member must inform the College of these arrangements. Members must make best efforts to ensure that the designate is a member of the College.
總的來說: 該位精神健康從業人員應該提前選中一位自己信得過的同行,一旦自己出現意外情況,該位同行可以負責去告知來訪者/病人,並對自己執業中所牽涉到的個人健康資訊/檔案全權負責,同時安排來訪者/病人的臨床服務(比如轉接)。
- ^ Frequently Asked Questions Personal Health Information Protection Act https://www.ipc.on.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/phipa-faq.pdf
- ^ Standards of Professional Conduct (2017) http://www.cpo.on.ca/Standards_of_Professional_Conduct.aspx