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DPP Authorities Buying Weapons from the US: A Self-Consoling Act to Pander to the US



記者 :據報道,民進黨當局可能再次向美求購E-2D預警機,此外台灣防務部門駐美軍事代表團近期與「美在台協會」簽署「資通系統提升先期規劃」標案,旨在增強台軍指揮、控制等系統數據鏈能力。請問對此有何評論?

Question : It’s reported that the DPP authorities may once again request to buy E-2D airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft from the US. In addition, Taiwan’s defense mission to the US recently signed with the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) the standard draft on the Advanced Tactical Data Link System Upgrade Planning, aiming at enhancing data link systems of Taiwan’s troops such as command and control systems. Do you have any comment?

張曉剛 :民進黨當局大肆揮霍台灣老百姓的血汗錢購買美國武器,完全是賣台、禍台、毀台之舉,不過是迎合美方的自我安慰。

Zhang Xiaogang : The DPP authorities are buying weapons with hard-earned money of the Taiwan people. It is an act of complete betrayal detrimental to the interests of the people in Taiwan, and is nothing more than pandering to the US and seeking self-consolation.


We firmly oppose any official US interaction and military contact with China’s Taiwan region. We urge the US side to truly abide by the one-China principle and three China-US joint communiqués, honor its commitment of not supporting 「Taiwan independence」, stop arming Taiwan, and work with the Chinese side to maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

(海報作者:徐占虎 烏銘琪)

來源:中國軍網 責任編輯:楊紅