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早在1956年的心理學界,人本主義流派的領軍人物 卡爾·羅傑斯(Carl Rogers)和行為主義流派的領軍人物斯金納(B.F.Skinner)就有過這麽一個討論,刊登在了【科學】學術期刊上,以下是文章中卡爾·羅傑斯的發言的一部份內容的不嚴謹轉譯:









Psychotherapy, as Meerloo (15) and others have pointed out, can be one of the most subtle tools for the control of A by B. The therapist can subtly mold individuals in imitation of himself. He can cause an individual to become a submissive and conforming being. When certain therapeutic principles are used in extreme fashion, we call it brainwashing. an instance of the disintegration of the personality and a reformulation of the person along lines desired by the controlling individual. So the principles of therapy can be used as an effective means of external control of human personality and behavior.Can psychotherapy be anything else?

Here I find the developments going on in client-centered psychotherapy (16) an exciting hint of what a behavioral science can do in achieving the kinds of values I have stated. Quite aside from being a somewhat new orientation in psychotherapy, this development has important implications regarding the relation of a behavioral science to the control of human behavior. Let me describe our experience as it relates to the issues of this discussion.

In client-centered therapy, we are deeply engaged in the prediction and influencing of behavior, or even the control of behavior. As therapists, we institute certain attitudinal conditions, and the client has relatively little voice in the establishment of these conditions. We predict that if these conditions are instituted, certain behavioral consequences will ensue in the client. Up to this point this is largely external control, no different from what Skinner has described, and no different from what I have discussed in the preceding ps of this article. But here any similarity ceases.

The conditions we have chosen to establish predict such behavioral consequences as these: that the client will become self-directing, less rigid, more open to the evidence of his senses, better organized and integrated, more similar to the ideal which he has chosen for himself. In other words, we have established by external control conditions which we predict will be followed by internal control by the individual, in pursuit of internally chosen goals. We have set the conditions which predict various classes of behaviors--self-directing behaviors, sensitivity to realities within and without, flexible adaptiveness--which are by their very nature unpredictable in their specifics. Our recent research indicates that our predictions are to a significant degree corroborated, and our commitment to the scientific method causes us to believe that more effective means of achieving these goals may be realized.

參考:此段落源於 卡爾·羅傑斯(Carl Rogers)和斯金納(B.F. Skinner 行為主義心理學的領軍人物)於1956年的辯論內容

Science, Nov.30, 1956, 124, pp.1057-1066