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「雙語」外交部例行記者會 / MFA Regular Press Conference (2024年8月22日)


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s
Regular Press Conference on August 22, 2024


China News Service: It’s reported that Japanese Ambassador to China Kenji Kanasugi recently published an article on Japanese media. One of the main points is to make good use of the economic opportunities offered by China. He wrote that China leads the world in electric and smart vehicles, digital economy and green development, and that the economic growth in Japan and the wider world would not be possible without China’s economic growth. He stressed the need for Japan to make the best use of the economic opportunities offered by China. What’s China’s comment?


Mao Ning: I noted the reports. Ambassador Kenji Kanasugi’s view is objective and constructive. China’s economic growth gives a strong boost to the world’s economic growth and China’s prosperity offers significant opportunities to global prosperity. We will continue to work for high-quality development and promote high-standard opening up. China will, as always, welcome companies from all countries, including Japanese companies, to seize China’s development opportunities and share in China’s development dividends, so as to realize greater development.


Yomiuri Shimbun: It was reported that in mid-August, China indicted a male employee of Astellas who was arrested in October last year. What are the charges and the content of the indictment? Can you share more details?


Mao Ning: Recently Chinese procuratorial authorities filed a public prosecution in accordance with law against relevant Japanese citizen on suspicion of espionage. China is a country that upholds the rule of law. We investigate and handle illegal and criminal activities in accordance with law, protect the lawful rights and interests of the person concerned and provide facilitation for Japanese consular officials in China to perform their consular duties. We hope the Japanese side will help its citizens enhance their awareness of abiding by China’s laws and regulations and not conducting illegal and criminal activities in our territory. I’d refer you to competent authorities on the specifics.


Hubei Media Group: Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General on Myanmar Julie Bishop visited China recently. Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with her. Could you share more details with us?


Mao Ning: At the invitation of the Chinese side, Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General on Myanmar Julie Bishop visited China on August 20 and 21. Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, and Special Envoy for Asian Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Deng Xijun met with her respectively. They had in-depth exchange of views on the Myanmar issue.


China respects Myanmar’s sovereignty, independence, national unity and territorial integrity, and stays committed to non-interference in Myanmar’s internal affairs and the Myanmar-owned and Myanmar-led peace process. China supports ASEAN’s role as the main channel and hopes that ASEAN’s five-point consensus on Myanmar and Myanmar’s new five-point roadmap will create good momentum for each other and be effectively implemented. China supports the UN in playing a constructive role in the political settlement of the Myanmar issue, and stands ready to provide support and assistance to the Special Envoy in performing her duties. We hope the Special Envoy will uphold an objective and just position, handle relations between all parties in a balanced manner, bear in mind the long-term interests of the Myanmar people, and help the Myanmar side find an effective way to bridge differences.


Antara: Both Indonesia and China have been actively engaging with each other this year, and now Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi is set to meet with Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the 5th meeting of the Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation. What level of relations does China hope to achieve with Indonesia through this meeting?


Mao Ning: Under the strategic guidance of the presidents of the two countries, China-Indonesia relations have maintained a momentum of robust growth, with close high-level exchanges, deepening strategic mutual trust, and continuous progress in building a community with a shared future. The China-Indonesia Joint Foreign and Defense Ministerial Dialogue was officially launched last week. This week, Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi will co-chair the 5th Meeting of the Joint Commission on Bilateral Cooperation between the two countries. China-Indonesia relations are increasingly growing at a high level with greater strategic significance.


Next year marks the 80th anniversary of Indonesia’s independence and the 75th anniversary of China-Indonesia diplomatic ties. This presents important opportunities for our two countries’ respective growth and bilateral relations. China stands ready to work with Indonesia, follow the strategic guidance of the two presidents, focus on building a community with a shared future, and keep deepening strategic cooperation on all fronts. The two countries can set an example of major developing countries pursuing self-strength through unity and engaging in win-win cooperation, so as to bring more benefit to the two peoples and make new contribution to world peace, cooperation and development.


AFP: Senior officials of the US met with the Dalai Lama in New York yesterday. What is China’s comment on this?


Mao Ning: As many people know, the 14th Dalai Lama is not a pure religious figure, still less a figure promoting 「non-violence」 and 「peace,」 but a political exile engaged in anti-China separatist activities under the cloak of religion. China firmly opposes any country allowing the Dalai Lama to make visits under any pretext and opposes government officials of any country meeting with the Dalai Lama in any form. We’ve made serious protest with the US. The appointment of the so-called 「US Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues」 constitutes an interference in China’s internal affairs. China has never recognized it. We urge the US to fully understand the gravity and sensitivity of Xizang-related issues, be fully aware of the Dalai group’s anti-China and separatist nature, honor the commitments the US has made to China on issues related to Xizang, truly respect China’s core interests and major concerns, not allow the Dalai Lama to engage in political separatist activities in the US, have no contact with the Dalai Lama in any form, and stop sending the wrong message to the world.


Shenzhen TV: The European Commission issued a draft decision on imposing import duties on Chinese electric vehicles. It’s reported that on August 20, the China Chamber of Commerce to the EU expressed its strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to the European Commission’s protectionist practice and said this move will exacerbate trade tensions between China and the EU, sending a profoundly negative signal to global cooperation and green development. Chairman of the German Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade said in a media post that building up new tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles sent the wrong signal at the wrong time. What’s the Foreign Ministry’s comments?


Mao Ning: Yesterday, I made clear China’s position. This probe is a typical protectionist and politically-motivated move. It disrupts the EU’s green transition process and global effort to respond to climate change. The views of the EV industry and business associations need to be paid attention to. We urge the EU to heed the objective and rational views from various sectors, stop pursuing this wrong action at once, and work with China to find a proper way out through discussion and avoid escalating trade frictions. China will also take measures to firmly defend the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies.


AFP: US prosecutors have filed criminal charges against a Chinese living in the US, accusing him of being an agent of Beijing’s intelligence service. What is China’s comment on this?


Mao Ning: I am not familiar with the specifics you mentioned.


Xinhua News Agency: Recently, a scientific expedition team set sail to conduct a 45-day marine exploration in the Western Pacific Ocean. One of the highlights of the mission is that the manned submersible Jiaolong for the first time carried eight foreign scientists from five continents for underwater operations. What’s your comment on this? How do you see China’s progress and prospect of international cooperation on science and technology?


Mao Ning: Over recent years, China has conducted deep-sea scientific exploration and joint scientific expeditions with multiple countries, making positive contribution to global marine biodiversity protection and sustainable development.


China remains committed to carrying out international science and technology cooperation. The submersible Jiaolong had foreign scientists on board for scientific expedition, the Chang’e-6 Mission carried international payloads for lunar exploration, and the Tiangong space station announced it will welcome foreign astronauts. All these are vivid examples of China’s efforts to seek common development and share the outcomes with the rest of the world in science and technology. China has established scientific and technological cooperation ties with over 160 countries and regions, and signed 118 intergovernmental agreements on such cooperation. China also issued the International Science and Technology Cooperation Initiative, which champions open, fair, equitable and non-discriminatory international science and technology cooperation. Together with all parties, China is committed to jointly exploring a new model for global scientific and technological innovation and cooperation that is win-win for all.


Science and technology know no boundaries. China is ready to deepen cooperation with all parties to better serve the humanity through common development driven by scientific and technological innovation.


Reuters: Paraguay has said recently that it is open to trade deals with China through the trade bloc Mercosur despite maintaining diplomatic ties with Taiwan. Do you have any comment?


Mao Ning: On the normalization of China-Paraguay relations, China made clear its position more than once. We hope the government and leader of Paraguay will follow the trend of history, meet the aspiration of its people, stand on the right side of history as early as possible, join the overwhelming majority of the international community and make the right decision that serves the fundamental and long-term interests of the country.


China values trade and economic cooperation with Mercosur and Latin American countries. I believe with the joint effort of all parties, such cooperation will achieve positive progress.