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「双语」外交部例行记者会 / MFA Regular Press Conference (2024年8月29日)


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian’s
Regular Press Conference on August 29, 2024


CCTV: Experts and scholars from Africa, including Mwangi Wachira, former economist at the World Bank and advisor to the Government of Kenya, and Nkolo Foe, professor at the School of Humanities of the University of Yaounde I in Cameroon, noted in recent interviews that advancing modernization bears on the future of humanity and the wellbeing of people of all countries and that China in its cooperation with Africa 「leaves the continent free to pursue modernization African style」 and the two sides need to work together in their pursuit for modernization. What’s your comment? What are the achievements China has made in advancing Africa’s modernization? What new measures can we expect?


Lin Jian: Realizing modernization is the common pursuit of China and African countries. China firmly supports Africa in exploring the path of independent development and focuses on the three areas where modernization is most needed. We launched the Initiative on Supporting Africa’s Industrialization, and implemented the Plan for China Supporting Africa’s Agricultural Modernization and the Plan for China-Africa Cooperation on Talent Development under the framework of FOCAC to support Africa’s development and prosperity with concrete steps.


Infrastructure development is a priority. China has helped many African countries build their first motorway, first cross-sea bridge, and first industrial park. Trade and economy is a leading area of cooperation. The China-Africa trade volume last year hit a record high of US$ 282.1 billion. By the end of 2023, the stock of Chinese direct investment in Africa exceeded US$ 40 billion. Over the past three years, we’ve helped create over 1.1 million jobs in Africa. Technology-driven development is a focus of cooperation. We carried out joint research in areas of renewable energy, sustainable agriculture and resources remote sensing, and deepened cooperation on satellites and aerospace, digital economy, batteries and photovoltaic products. Improving people’s wellbeing is our ultimate goal. A number of 「small yet smart」 projects have been implemented, such as the Luban Workshop, the program of 「Access to Satellite TV for 10,000 African Villages」 and the 「Africa Solar Belt」 program. Our approach is 「teaching others how to fish.」 We’ve shared with Africa our experience in governance and poverty alleviation, and helped Africa transform its demographic advantage into human resources and take full use of its talent dividend to advance modernization.


At the China-Africa Think Tanks Forum in March this year, Chinese and African scholars reached the Dar es Salaam Consensus, stressing that countries should choose development paths based on their own national conditions and cultural characteristics, jointly promote the building of an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, and address the structural difficulties constraining developing countries’ modernization process. This thinking jumped out of the mindset of 「modernization equals Westernization,」 expanded developing countries’ choices of modernization path, and reflected the common aspiration of the Global South.


Both China and Africa aspire for a better life, agree on the importance of solidarity and cooperation, and seek to realize modernization. No matter how the international landscape may evolve, China and Africa will remain fellow passengers and good partners on the road to modernization. At the 2024 FOCAC Summit next week, Chinese and African leaders will explore cooperation and chart the course for the future under the theme of 「Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future.」 China stands ready to embark on a new journey with Africa toward modernization and jointly contribute to global modernization and the common development of mankind.


Anadolu Agency: Israeli army launched a military operation in the occupied West Bank of Palestine yesterday, targeting Jenin, Tulkarem and Tubas refugee camps with raids, air strikes and destruction of roads and buildings. Operation has resulted in deaths of 11 Palestinians and several injuries so far. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz called for the 「temporary evacuation」 of Palestinian civilians in West Bank and said they will take 「whatever steps are required」 to carry out the operation. Meanwhile, the UN expressed grave concern about 「exposing civilians to deadly war tactics.」 What is China’s comment about the latest situation in Palestine, conflict spilling over from Gaza to West Bank?

林剑: 中方高度关注当前巴以局势,对约旦河西岸局势升级深表担忧。中方反对加剧紧张的行动,谴责一切针对平民的袭击行为,呼吁有关各方特别是以色列方面保持冷静克制,防止局势进一步升级恶化。

Lin Jian: China is closely following the current situation in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. We are deeply concerned about the escalation in the West Bank. China opposes actions that fuel tensions, and condemns all attacks on civilians. We call upon all the parties concerned, Israel in particular, to remain calm and exercise restraint, and prevent further escalation and deterioration of the situation.


Reuters: US senior adviser for international climate policy John Podesta is set to meet with China’s special envoy for climate change Liu Zhenmin during the first week of September. China and the US have cooperation on energy transition and cutting greenhouse gas emissions. What is China hoping to achieve from the upcoming meeting with Podesta?

林剑: 在王毅主任同沙利文助理举行的本轮战略沟通中,中美双方同意继续落实两国元首旧金山会晤重要共识,开展应对气候变化合作。具体情况请向中方主管部门了解。

Lin Jian: In this round of strategic communication between Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi and US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, the two sides agreed to continue delivering on the important common understandings reached by the two presidents in San Francisco and conduct cooperation on climate response. For the specific question, I’d refer you to competent authorities.


The New York Times: Has there been any further development today regarding whether there will be a call or meeting of the two leaders?

林剑: 关于王毅主任同沙利文助理举行战略沟通的情况,中方已经发布了消息稿。双方就两国元首近期开展新一轮互动进行了讨论。我没有其他可以补充的信息。

Lin Jian: China had released a readout on the strategic communication between Director Wang Yi and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. The two sides had discussions on carrying out a new round of interactions between the two presidents in the near future. I have nothing new to add.


Global Times: Recently, several Latin American countries expressed their dissatisfaction with and protest against US interference in their internal affairs. In response to the inappropriate remarks by US Ambassador to Mexico on Mexico’s judicial reform, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that Mexico is 「not a colony of any foreign nation,」 and the US has to 「learn to respect the sovereignty of Mexico.」 Honduran President Xiomara Castro condemned the US, saying that its 「interference and interventionism violate international law.」 Cuba’s Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla said on social media that 「Cuba is closely aware of the destabilizing activities of the NED disguised in the name of democracy values.」 What’s more, Venezuela criticized the US for interfering in its election. Bolivia revealed that it was pressured by the 「big northern power」 after expressing its interest in joining BRICS. What is your comment?

林剑: 我们注意到有关报道。事实上,200多年来,美国纸面上的「门罗主义」或许已被宣告终结,但骨子里的霸权主义和强权政治却远未消失。

Lin Jian: We noted reports on that. The US may have announced the end of the Monroe Doctrine, but the fact is, for the past more than 200 years, hegemonism and power politics, which is intrinsic in the Doctrine, is far from being abandoned.


China firmly supports the just position of Latin American countries on opposing foreign interference and safeguarding their nations’ sovereignty. The US should not turn a deaf ear to the legitimate concerns and the just call of Latin American countries and do whatever it likes. We urge the US to discard the outdated Monroe Doctrine and interventionism as soon as possible, stop unilateral actions of bullying, coercion, sanctions and blockade, and develop relations and have mutually beneficial cooperation with regional countries based on mutual respect, equality and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs. The US’s hegemonism and power politics runs counter to the unstoppable historical trend of Latin American countries staying independent and seeking strength through unity. Such approaches will win no support and be consigned to the dustbin of history.


Ukrinform News Agency: Li Hui, special representative of the Chinese government, said at a briefing two days ago that China is concerned about 「the West’s continued softening conditions for Ukraine to use weapons against Russia.」 Can you clarify what exactly causes China’s concern at this situation, and in the same context, how can you comment on the fact that since the beginning of the war, Russian military has been massively using Iranian attack drones and recently also missiles from North Korea for deadly attacks on Ukraine cities?

林剑: 据我所知,你所提到的吹风会情况与实际不相符合。当前国际社会普遍担忧乌克兰危机进一步升级外溢,认为当务之急是推动局势降温。中方呼吁各方遵守「战场不外溢、战事不升级、各方不拱火」三原则。有关各方都应冷静克制,避免采取可能使局势进一步升级的行动。

Lin Jian: As I have learned, your recount about the briefing is not consistent with what was actually said. There is now widespread concern about further escalation and expansion of the Ukraine crisis in the international community, who believe that the pressing priority is deescalation of the situation. China calls upon all parties to abide by the principles of 「no expansion of the battlefield, no escalation of fighting, and no provocation by any third party.」 Parties concerned should remain calm and exercise restraint, and avoid moves that could further escalate the situation.


The New York Times: By having these extensive discussions between Director Wang and National Security Adviser Sullivan, is China trying to establish a broad stability in Sino-American relations they could endure for next year as well?

林剑: 关于王毅主任同沙利文助理举行战略沟通的情况,中方已经发布了详细的消息稿。王毅主任表示,中美关系要保持正确方向,关键在于两国元首把舵引航;中美两国要避免冲突对抗,关键在于遵守三个联合公报;中美互动要顺利开展,关键在于平等相待;中美关系要行稳致远,关键在于巩固民意基础;中美双方要实现和平共处,关键在于树立正确认知。有关具体情况,你可以查阅消息稿。

Lin Jian: On the strategic communication between Director Wang Yi and Advisor Jake Sullivan, China has issued a detailed readout. In the communication, Director Wang Yi said that for China-US relations to develop in the right direction, the key is that the two countries keep to the strategic guidance of the two heads of state. For China and the US to prevent conflict and confrontation, the key lies in abiding by the three China-US joint communiqués. For the two sides to have sound interactions, the key lies in equality. For China-US relations to achieve steady and sustained development, the key lies in consolidating public support. For the two countries to peacefully coexist, the key lies in having right perception of each other. I’d refer you to the readout for more specifics.


Anadolu Agency: The US and Chinese side during Sullivan’s visit to Beijing decided a telephone conversation between the two countries’ leaders. Can we expect another face-to-face meeting before US President finishes his term at the end of this year? A face-to-face meeting or a visit by him? Can we expect such an event happening? Has this been in talks during Sullivan’s visit?

林剑: 我刚才已经回答了这个问题。在本轮战略沟通中,中美双方就两国元首近期开展新一轮互动进行了讨论。我没有可以补充的信息。

Lin Jian: I answered a similar question just now. In this round of strategic communication, China and the US had discussions on carrying out a new round of interactions between the two presidents in the near future. I have nothing new to add.