1、Great men are not born great, they grow great
图1 One has one destiny一个人只有一种命运,你是选择进人少的窄门还是人多的宽门
2、I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless. But not men.
我花了一辈子 ,才学会了小心 ,女人和小孩能够粗心大意 ,但男人不行
图2 我在社会上摔了很多跟头,身上流出的血在地上汇成俩字「严谨」
3、 Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment
图3 让情绪覆盖大脑,大脑就难以把握事物的本质和走向,失败就趁虚而入了
4、The most warm embrace is used to break the enemy's ribs
图4 不要恨敌人并不是宽恕敌人,而要像个真正的男人一样收起眼泪一击必中
5、Never let anybody know what you are thinking
图5 永远有点绝对吧,但至少在捕猎的时候,狮子和绵羊的路线都要保密的吧
6、A matter of seconds to see the nature of people and spend half my life is also unclear one thing to see the nature of man, nature is not the same fate.
图6 所以这是我真正羡慕聪明人的地方,智慧的大灯总是那么明亮
7、You make the choice, and this is your price
图7 菩萨畏因,众生畏果
8、I never would impose no need of friendship Friendship – think my insignificant person
图8 我想智慧的标志之一就是不再总是「自找苦吃」和「自取其辱」了吧
9、 Don't tell me you are innocent,because it insults my intelligence
图9 哪里有智商充值的,给我充10块钱的
10、Michael Corleone understood for the first time why men like his father chose to become thieves and murderers rather than members of the legal society. The poverty and fear and degradation were too awful to be acceptable to any man of spirit.
迈克·柯里昂 破天荒地第一次悟出一个道理,为什么像他父亲那样的人,甘愿当盗窃犯和谋杀犯而不愿意当合法社会的守法公民?贫穷,恐惧,屈辱,这些东西太可怕了,对任何一个有骨气的人来说,都是难以忍受的。
图10 不自由毋宁死,跟这个原理差不多
11、I don’t care what you did is right or wrong, I want you know only me have the right to make decision, cause I am the godfather until my death
图11 这就是指鹿为马的原理,我关心的不是对与错,而是你对我的权威的态度
12、Your love is also your weak point.
图12 The more you love,the weaker you are,但爱情来说是软肋和铠甲吧
13、See, all our people are businessmen. Their loyalty is based on that. One thing I learned from Pop was trying to think as people around you think. On that basis, anything is possible.
图13 做生意就要摸清对方的利益点,拿什么满足和交换
14、He sensed something else in the young man: a force cleverly kept hidden, a man jealously guarding his true strength from public gaze, following the Don’s precept that a friend should always underestimate your virtues and an enemy overestimate your faults .
图14 君子藏器于身,待时而动;潜龙勿用;蛟龙得云雨 ,终非池中物
曹操老婆:把公主嫁给子桓,把甄宓 嫁给子建,这样会不会委屈了子建?
曹操本人: 委屈的人多了,一将功成万骨枯,大江东去,尽是流不尽的英雄血,多少人的委屈在里面!那是多少人的委屈!
图15 每当委屈的时候,想想一将功成万骨枯,流不尽的英雄血,男人要有海一样的胸怀
16、You know those Arctic explorers who leave caches of food scattered on the route to the North Pole? Just in case they may need them someday? That’s my father’s favors.
图16 未雨绸缪,有些人之所以可以走的很轻松,因为他之前一直在默默铺路
17、Life is so beautiful ……
图17 成熟就是理解和接受这个世界的所有不完美,并努力的去创造和拥抱幸福
既然 生命只能尝试一次
何不 为了梦想誓死追随
菩萨畏因 众生畏果
期待与追梦的你一同相扶相助 共同前行