文章来源:【经济学人】Aug 8th 2022 期 Leaders 栏目
America’s climate-plus spending bill is flawed but essential
The Inflation Reduction Act
The green policies and drug reforms in the Inflation Reduction Act are big victories
Aug 8th 2022
After a long, twisting path through Congress, complete with detours, delays, side-deals, disappointments and a fair amount of deceit, the Democrats are on the verge of passing a giant tax-and-spend bill. It will be America’s first significant climate law and a cornerstone of President Joe Biden’s domestic agenda. A dizzying set of tweaks was needed to keep centrist hold-outs within the Democratic Party on board, allowing the bill, seemingly dead two weeks ago, to come back to life. It passed along party lines by a single vote on August 7th in the Senate. The House is all but certain to approve it later this week. Purely as a feat of legislative legerdemain, the Democrats have much to crow about.
What of the law itself? It has many imperfections, most of which stem from the politicking needed to keep it alive. Crucially, though, it also managed two big achievements—a semblance of sanity on health-care spending and America’s most serious national effort yet to face up to climate change. And these easily outweigh the flaws.
Contrary to its name, the 「Inflation Reduction Act」 (ira) will do next to nothing to reduce inflation. The Congressional Budget Office, a nonpartisan scorekeeper, reckons that prices will be somewhere between 0.1% higher and 0.1% lower in 2023 than they would have been without the bill. In the longer term some measures may restrain inflation (notably, a roughly $300bn reduction in America’s budget deficit), whereas others may nudge it up (including incentives for high-cost domestic production). The name of the bill is a transparent attempt to sell it to a public that is worried about soaring prices.
Its provisions are a shadow of what Democrats once dreamed of as the signature piece of legislation from their triple control of the presidency, the House and the Senate. This time last year they were aiming for a $3.5trn package that would have dramatically expanded the American welfare state and raised taxes on the ultra-rich. But they received no Republican support and their ambitions were whittled down by their two main internal opponents. Joe Manchin, a senator from West Virginia, could not abide so much spending; and Kyrsten Sinema, a senator from Arizona, does not much like taxing the rich.
The original package, which featured everything from free preschool to more funding for dental care, may well have been too much for America to swallow all at once, politically and financially. But some successful policies were cast aside in the process. The extension of a monthly payment to families, temporarily implemented in the wake of covid, had cut childhood poverty by almost half. Unfortunately, it was left on the cutting-room floor.
【1】cast aside 抛弃;消除
Some of the ugliest compromises were over taxes. The arcane legislative rules for passing the bill in an evenly divided Senate—known as reconciliation—meant that the bill could not add to America’s deficit after its first decade. Mr Manchin, a fiscal hawk, went one step further, insisting that it actually shrink the deficit. The Democrats could have made a virtue of this, since many problems in the tax code need fixing. Taxing capital gains at death would have generated revenue and made America a little more equal. Reversing some of Donald Trump’s massive corporate-tax cuts from 2017 would also have been an easy solution.
【1】arcane 晦涩难解的
Ms Sinema, however, rejected all such proposals. So the Democrats settled on a new 15% minimum tax on the profits of corporations with more than $1bn in annual income, as declared in their financial statements. Subjecting big companies to a basic minimum tax is an appealing idea. But levying it on their financial, or 「book」, incomes will make a messy American tax system even messier. Financial statements are subject to a different set of rules from income as reported to tax authorities. Tax-based incentives to promote investment may be partly reversed by the shift to book income. The ira does contain welcome additional funding for the over-burdened Internal Revenue Service to crack down on tax cheats. Unfortunately, overseeing the new tax will be an extra drain on its resources.
The other side of the act
Despite these drawbacks, the ira should also be judged on two important advances . First, it will enable Medicare —the government programme that provides health insurance for Americans over the age of 65— to negotiate pharmaceuticals prices with drugmakers. This will be phased in only in 2026, covering just ten drugs at first. But it is a step towards mitigating the fact that America’s health-care spending is about 19% of gdp, nearly double the average of other developed countries, while Americans’ life expectancy is lower than most. The pharmaceuticals lobby, usually a fearsome force in Washington, fought against the price negotiations, and lost. With any luck, it will face more such setbacks.
Second, and most crucially, the ira marks a new chapter for America’s climate policy. By weaving together a vast array of tax credits, loan guarantees and grants, it will encourage people to make low-carbon purchases, such as of electric cars, and will encourage businesses to invest in green technologies and renewable energy. Rhodium, a research group, predicts that the package will cut America’s net greenhouse-gas emissions by 40% from 2005 levels in 2030. Under current policy, the reduction would be 30%. The additional amount would be roughly equivalent to two years’ worth of British emissions. Other researchers largely agree. Moreover, the bill’s design provides a roadmap for how America intends to decarbonise through the 2020s. The upshot is that it will be working alongside most of the rest of the world in trying to limit global warming—something that would otherwise have been in doubt.
The climate measures are far from perfect. To secure support from Mr Manchin, the bill has partially tied the government’s hands on renewables. It will, for instance, be able to issue new wind and solar rights only after selling oil and gas leases. Market mechanisms such as a carbon price or a cap-and-trade scheme are crucial to the energy transition in many other countries. In America’s current political constellation, they are, alas, non-starters.
By the same token, though, passing any kind of ambitious legislation in that constellation is a triumph. All the more so when it promises to bring real benefits for both America and the world. ■