When she became shadow education secretary a year ago in the darkest days of the Corbyn leadership, she was mocked for her Mancunian accent, class, and occasional verbal slips, but she reckons she has now established herself. 「I was thrown in at the deep end, and I could have sunk. But I didn’t just tread water. I was able to swim around and take command of my brief to the point where it feels like I’m the government and they’re attacking me.」從【衛報】報道上來看,安吉拉雷納並非沒有因為她的出身和歷史受到過嘲笑,但嘲笑的內容是她的 口音,階層,以及口誤 。從沒有涉及過她進行有償陪酒這種硬傷黑歷史。
「I grew up in a pretty rough area. I remember singing in a karaoke bar once and watching some guy get potted [hit in the face with a glass]. I was singing Waterloo and the girl who ran the karaoke just said carry on, so I’m singing Waterloo while this guy is bleeding.」在這裏,安吉拉雷納描述的是她在卡拉OK裏面唱歌(唱的是ABBA樂隊的名曲【滑鐵盧】)時一個非常混亂的環境,有人在那裏被摔杯子受傷流血,但這情形更像是逃學的不良少年們在卡拉OK裏消遣,而不是收費為客人陪酒。
根據英國【2003年性犯罪法】(Sexual Offences Act 2003),【2009年警察與犯罪法案】(Policing and Crime Act 2009),組織,參與18歲以下未成年的色情活動是重罪,這不可能不被大肆鼓噪,特別是在以裝比而聞名的英國政壇。