2015年选秀的时候,我每天至少摄入5000大卡,吃掉3块牛排。那时候,我了解的饮食知识也就是现在的十分之一。我一直都在努力尝试增重,因为我实在太瘦了,为此我曾经一天吃五六餐,胡吃海塞。但是,当你吃了太多东西后,你的身体必须一直处在消化状态,你就很难做到能量满满。 所以,我在营养师的帮助下改变了自己的食谱,虽然现在仍然摄入大量卡路里,但是更倾向于低碳水化合物和高蛋白质的配餐。
我每天吃三餐,而且是三顿大餐,每餐之间会隔很长时间。早上,我在训练之前的第一件事就是喝杯咖啡。早上空腹确实能够帮助我在训练中拥有更充沛的精力。第一餐在中午吃, 包括大量的蛋白质,一定量的脂肪,很少甚至没有碳水化合物,比如牛油果、鲑鱼、金枪鱼这类。 之后,第二餐的时间大概是下午3点至4点。和第一餐吃的差不多,可能会加点碳水化合物。晚上,我也吃这些。此外,我还会摄入点维生素及其他食品。无糖,也基本没有乳制品。
Thanks for inviting and translation from my Chinese friend. My diet has changed dramatically since I entered NBA and I’m glad to share it with you.
When I was drafted in 2015, I was eating at least 5,000 calories and downing around three steaks a day. However, I changed my diet completely now. The stuff I know now—I didn’t know 10 percent of it back then. My whole life has been about trying to put on weight because I’m so skinny, but at the same time, I used to eat five or six meals a day, and I would just feel sloppy. You’re eating so much that your body is digesting food all the time, and you don’t really have energy. I’ve changed that. I’m still having a lot of calories, but my diet now is low-carb and high-protein.
I eat three times a day, big meals, and give myself more time in between each one. I’ll have a coffee in the morning first thing, before I work out. I’m fasting in the morning, and that’s really gotten my energy levels up. I’ll have my first meal around noon. That will be high in protein and good fats, and very low in carbs—sometimes even no carbs. Avocado or salmon, tuna, all that kind of stuff. After that, I’ll have my second meal around 3:00 or 4:00. It’s kind of the same stuff—maybe a few more carbs. At night, I’ll have a similar meal. I’ll take vitamins and supplements on top of that. No sugars, and almost no dairy products.
However, I sneak in some unhealthy food to treat myself for several times. And my favorite one is Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. I really fall in love with the one with the cookie. As an athlete, I should keep my healthy diet most time. But a small award of hard work is nothing bad.