【中国3分钟】工作室推出重磅策划 【中美正确相处之道是什么?】 ,围绕中美经贸、科技、全球治理等领域的十余个关键性问题和热点议题展开评论,深入阐述中美如何在新时期走出一条正确相处之道,造福两国,惠及世界 。
Is China taking advantage of China-U.S. trade?
The stereotype that China has been taking advantage of the China-U.S. trade stems from the U.S.’s trade deficit with China. But America’s calculation of deficit number has always been exaggerated. Many parts and technology 「made in China」 actually contain added value from the global supply chain; while the U.S. uses the value of the end products as a calculation metric, it becomes a reason for the deficit exaggeration, which is, after all, unreasonable .
近年来,美国发动对中国的贸易战,然而,贸易战没有扭转美国的贸易逆差形势,美国得到的,只有更高的通胀压力和更复杂昂贵的供应链体系。美国商务部数据显示,2023年美国货物贸易逆差达1.06万亿美元,远高于对华贸易战之前的水平 。
In recent years, the U.S. started a trade war with China. However, rather than twisting the trade deficit, the trade war brought higher inflation pressure and led to more complex and costly supply chain systems. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. trade deficit in goods in 2023 reached $1.06 trillion, much higher than before the trade war with China.
事实上,通过大量进口源自中国的物美价廉产品,美国在满足其国内市场需要的同时能够大幅降低居民消费成本,平抑通货膨胀。美国财长耶伦也曾在公开场合表示,中国为美国企业提供了庞大市场,支撑了美国70多万个就业岗位。所以,美国与中国一样,同是中美贸易的受益者 。
The truth is, by importing China’s quality products at a relatively low price in bulk, the U.S. can meet its domestic demand while cutting the cost of living for its residents, significantly reducing consumer costs and suppressing inflation. U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Yellen also publicly said that China represents a huge market for the U.S., creating more than 700 thousand jobs for the country. To sum up, the U.S. and China are both benefitting from bilateral trade.
本集专家: 鲍 淑君 国家发展改革委国际合作中心研究员
中美之间有共同利益吗? 中美能和平共处吗? 中国是在挑战美国吗? 45年同行,为中美两国带来了什么?中美「脱钩断链」是可选项吗?