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「感染冠状病毒(FCoV)」,是 肠炎 还是 传腹 呢?

这可以是 猫肠道冠状病毒(FCoV) 可以是 猫传染性腹膜炎病毒(FIPV)

前者 广泛存在 于猫的肠道中且有 强传染性 ,后者具有 极强的致死性 [1]

传染性有多强呢,如果一群猫中有 一只为阳性 ,那么这群猫中的 9成已经被感染了

病毒性肠炎与传染性腹膜炎呈现高度关联性 ... [2] [3]

遗憾的是, FCoV与FIPV之间没有明显的界限。

2012年,猫传腹研究泰斗Neils C Pedersen教授研究发现 FIPV其实是FCoV的变种 [4]


变异之前, FCoV 只能引起一些 胃肠炎症 ,是一种 「自限性疾病(Self-limited Disease)」 ,病程可以自行停止,肠道上的损伤也能自愈

但一旦猫咪抵抗力降低,FCoV就会大量复制,像新冠病毒一样,复制多了,难免出现变异——于是就有了FIPV [5] [6] [7] [8]

FIPV 引发的疾病,就是令诸多兽医头秃、铲屎官闻风丧胆的 传染性腹膜炎(FIP)

也正因此, FIP多发于抵抗力低的幼猫(<1岁)和老猫(>11


  1. ^ Kipar A , Baptiste K , Barth A , et al. Natural FCoV infection: cats with FIP exhibit significantly higher viral loads than healthy infected cats[J]. Journal of Feline Medicine & Surgery, 2006, 8(1):69-72.
  2. ^ Pedersen N C , Boyle J F , Floyd K , et al. An enteric coronavirus infection of cats and its relationship to feline infectious peritonitis.[J]. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 1981, 42(3):368-377.
  3. ^ Tekelioglu B K , Berriatua E , Turan N , et al. A retrospective clinical and epidemiological study on feline coronavirus (FCoV) in cats in Istanbul, Turkey[J]. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 2015, 119(1-2):41-47.
  4. ^ Pedersen N C , Liu H , Scarlett J , et al. Feline infectious peritonitis: role of the feline coronavirus 3c gene in intestinal tropism and pathogenicity based upon isolates from resident and adopted shelter cats.[J]. Virus Research, 2012, 165(1):17-28.
  6. ^ Paltrinieri S , Metzger C , Battilani M , et al. Serum α1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) concentration in non-symptomatic cats with feline coronavirus (FCoV) infection[J]. Journal of Feline Medicine & Surgery, 2007, 9(4):271-277.
  7. ^ Tekelioglu B K . Seroepidemiological and Clinicopathological Study of Feline Coronavirus (FCoV) and Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), Could Guide to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in 'One Health' Approach. 2020.
  8. ^ Vennema H , Poland A , Foley J , et al. Feline Infectious Peritonitis Viruses Arise by Mutation from Endemic Feline Enteric Coronaviruses[J]. Virology, 1998, 243(1):150-157.