這裏面就要了解相關交易法律關系,在LME你可以進行場內交易,也可以進行場外交易。 場內交易交易所自然能看到你的持倉空單情況,不會允許你亂開巨量空單。場外交易的透明度就差很多了, 因此很多青山控股巨量空單持倉,是透過摩根大通持有的。現在這事搞大之後, LME開始下決心取消徹底取消場外交易了。
大量的衍生品合約都是這麽幹的,再到後來就出現了中央對手方這種機制。因為即便青山控股違約,ABC公司找的是摩根大通,你摩根大通總歸是跑不掉的。ABC公司可能不知道青山控股的存在,因為ABC公司相信和依賴的是摩根大通會履行合約。那摩根大通在當中還能賺一些錢,就是保證金融資。在LME這種法律環境下,與我們的期貨交易法律制度設定有不同。青山控股在交易的時候不一定需要實繳保證金,可以做credit trading。
青山控股在3月份的時候,開了那麽多空單,結果鎳的價格漲了250%,保證金不足頂不住了要爆倉了,摩根大通以及背後的一系列銀行,算是撐了他一把,談判同意在一定時期內不要求青山控股追加保證金(margin call)。
The Longs: VW, Glencore, Hedge Funds
While Xiang stands out as the big short, there’s no single trader or investor on the other end that gets the credit (or blame) for driving prices higher. But several market participants held sizable long positions that contributed to the rally.
Volkswagen AG has one of the largest long positions in the market, at the equivalent of over 100,000 tons, according to a person familiar with the matter. The position is spread over nine years of forward contracts as a hedge against raw-material costs — nickel is a key ingredient in electric-vehicle batteries.
Trader and miner Glencore Plc is another large long-position holder and has at times controlled more than half of the available inventories in LME warehouses. The company’s overall position in LME nickel is short — it uses the exchange to protect against price risk on the metal it ships around the world. But it bought LME stocks to deliver the nickel from the exchange warehouses to its customers after a surge in freight costs made shipping metal from Asia to Europe and the U.S. much more expensive, according to a person familiar with the matter.
Then there are the hedge funds, drawn to nickel as a bet on the EV revolution and more recently on worries about interruptions to Russian supplies. Collectively, investment funds lifted their bullish bets on nickel to the highest on record on Feb. 18, the week before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Their net position was equivalent to about 250,000 tons of nickel, although most of the increase came before this year.